The day has finally come! Dixie the dresser is ready for her big reveal! If you are just joining in on this makeover project, hurry on over to
Part One | Part Two | Part Three
to find out why I am so excited! The work was well worth the effort and I couldn’t be more pleased with the final result.
To refresh your memory, this is what we started with:
An old lady of a dresser, with nice lines and good bones, but she had seen better days, no doubt! But even though she was clearly in need of some serious TLC, it was obvious that she would be stunning once I accomplished everything I had planned for her. Added bonus: all of her hardware was in place!
I had had a vision of a piece just like her for some time. From the color, I was going to paint her right down to the finishing touches. All I was missing was the actual dresser. So when Mr. WittyGritty sent me a pic of this garage sale find, I jumped at the chance. I knew this was exactly the piece I had been looking for. He brought her home to me later that same day.
There are a ton of inspirational photos on Pinterest, I actually have a very similar, but smaller, dresser gracing my foyer. I love the overall style, size, and details of this one. What I didn’t love were the various dings, dents, scratches, gouges, crusty looking hardware and what I call “fly poop” finish. You know the kind that is supposed to give the piece an aged look, but misses it by a mile?
But I knew all along none of those were obstacles that couldn’t be overcome by elbow grease, wood filler, and paint.
And if I am going to put my heart and soul a project like this, I want it to have a few little extra details that would really make the final result feel special.
Alright, you have been patient enough. Would you like to see how she turned out? I present to you the new and much improved Dixie the dresser!
Quite the improvement, yes? I am completely smitten by the teal and gold combo. Just as I had pictured it!
I love this color! Yes, it is strong and vibrant, but really works very much as a neutral. It pairs well with pale colors such as the beautiful blush pink shade that seems to be everywhere right now. And then it plays well with gorgeous jewel tones. Not sure yet, which way I’m leaning with my master bedroom makeover, I plan to live with it until next Spring to come up with a great design plan. I’ll keep you posted. On to more pics!
I couldn’t be happier with how nicely the hardware turned out!
These tassels have been sitting in my sewing box for years just waiting for a special assignment like this.
And what’s behind the door? Another little detail. Fun, isn’t it?
Not to gild the lily or anything, but I love lined drawers. I just never liked lining them – until now. Yep, I finally figured out a way to make it easy! Tutorial on how to do it coming soon!
It’s so easy to do, I had all the drawers lined in no time flat!
And the best part? They are removable!
What do you think? Didn’t she turn out beautiful? Not bad for a $20 garage sale find. Dixie will live to see many more happy days in her made over glory. Actually, I love how she turned out so much, I am already scouting for the next piece.
Are you feeling inspired? Thank you for following along on this little makeover journey!
Part One | Part Two | Part Three
Hi! Wondering what color this is?
Hi Jenna, thank you for your interest. This is the color I recommend for this project: