The Witty Gritty Life your comments and input are always appreciated. Compliments, suggestions, constructive criticism are welcome. I believe strongly that this blog can and will benefit from your constructive and useful input. But if you disagree with any comment posted on this blog I always encourage you to offer solutions, not insults! Comments are moderated. That means that any comment that does not directly apply to the subject at hand or any comment that is of a political, overly religious or sexual nature will be deleted. reserves the right to delete comments that could be deemed spam or are hurtful and unkind towards the blog or any of its readers and do not contribute to the conversation in a constructive meaningful way!
When sharing content posted here on TWGL, I do ask you to be courteous when doing so. This means you may share one image from the blog only and always with a direct link back to its source. Occasionally, TWGL features the work of other bloggers or sites. Please be sure to share or pin any work not directly created by this blog from the original publisher’s site. Links to original publishers will always be provided. If you would like to share another blogger’s work featured here, I ask that you contact them directly to obtain their permission, as I have.
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For questions please feel free to contact me at [email protected]
This policy was last updated on 4-12-2020